Neighborhood Kids Clubs
Open Arms’ Neighborhood Kids Clubs are the primary tool of our strategy to reach children at risk with the life transforming message of hope in Jesus right in their community. It is from these clubs that all of our other programs grow and are sustained.
Engaging the Community
The heart of these clubs begins with mobilizing and training local Christian churches; forming partnerships with civic groups, schools, and businesses; and facilitating use of physical resources in at-risk communities. This work is carried out by Open Arms missionaries that we call our Agents of Hope.
Engaging the Children
Open Arms Neighborhood Kids Clubs engage children between the ages of 6 and 13 by providing healthy social and recreational opportunities, biblically-based moral and civic education, and guidance for growing in grace and wisdom within their cultural context.
After-School Curriculum
Using a combination of large- and small-group teaching methods, the “Open Arms Quest” curriculum introduces children to the time-tested principles of the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ. Participants learn lessons on personal and interpersonal conduct, civic and moral responsibility, and the importance of family through theoretical and practical lessons, games, and community service projects.
Current Projects
Open Arms reaches more than 1,000 children on a weekly basis with a team of more than 120 volunteers. Outreach Projects in 4 cities, as well as several small villages, provide activities including art, dance, reading, recreation/games, English classes, Quest/Bible study, and moral education.
Leadership Training
Hundreds of volunteer leaders have participated in the Open Arms School of Missions, with intensive course and practical work intended to prepare them for the planting of new Kids Clubs and serving in existing Clubs.
Counting the Cost
Open Arms uses a community-based approach and this allows a lot of mileage for each dollar invested. Here is the breakdown of Life Investor opportunities (each After-School Project reaches an average of 50 children):
- Per child – An investment of $20 per month supplies 1/50 of the total cost of starting a Neighborhood Kids Club and ongoing costs for one year. That’s 70 cents per day!
- Per Club – For $1,000 a month you can fund a single Project for a year.
- Per Region – Funding the opening of a new region with up to ten Kids Clubs requires a minimum monthly gift of $10,000.