“When Jacob saw them, he said, “This is the camp of God!” So he named that place Mahanaim.”
Proverbs 21:21
Camp Mission 2023 – Delta Force
On January 10, twenty people from 3 churches here in the US departed for Brazil for our annual Kids Camp in our headquarters city of Assis. There we teamed up with the entire team of Agents of Hope who had gathered for this “all hands on deck” event. What an adventure and what a blessing!

This year we had to move our camp into a new and smaller facility. No worries though. We just divided the kids up into 2 groups and did camp twice. Wow! And we thought that one camp was tiring. In the end, around 300 children and 100 volunteers from our various neighborhood Bible clubs and sports ministries in and around Assis participated in camp over four days.

Our theme for camp was “Delta Force” or the power of change. We talked with the kids about the power that God has to transform their hearts, their lives, and their communities through the gospel. There were games, skits, testimonies, crafts, and some pretty amazing food as well. The worship was fantastic as the children connected with the joy of the Lord in that place. Many children in attendance made first time professions of faith while many more were encouraged in their walk with the Lord.

This event is a heavy lift for our team, but is one of the most impactful projects we undertake each year. Allowing these children time away from their often broken homes and neighborhoods, in a place where they are loved and are free to be children, opens their hearts to hope in ways that are difficult to describe if you haven’t been there.
Despite the heat, the non-stop schedule, and sleeping on the ground, our team of missionaries and volunteers left encouraged and reinvigorated for the mission to which God has called them. People back home just like you played a major part in that.
Our desire and aim is always to be wise stewards of the funds you invest in the Kingdom through Open Arms Worldwide. Our faithful financial partners allow us to continue mobilizing God’s people to reach and teach children and youth for Jesus. If you haven’t already, engage with our mission today – Engage
Michael J. Meyers
President & Founder